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Because I love the Lord, my church, and my choir and believe that reaching people through the ministry of music is a commandment, I will unless providentially hindered, commit to do the following.


Attend and be on time for all services, including SUNDAY SCHOOL, revival meetings, PRACTICES, and the annual music conference so that I can prepare effectively and spiritually for the ministry that God has called me to do. I will maintain at least a 70% attendance to practices and church services.


Continue to grow in my personal life by having daily devotions and exhibiting a life that will honor Christ. As the Bible states, I will avoid any appearance of evil.


Promote and participate in all church wide, department and class activities.


I realize that I, as a LEADER, affect the spirit of my church so I will commit to keep Christ preeminent in my life, and will abstain from gossiping, grumbling or complaining, nor will I listen to such talk that does not glorify God.


I will ABSTAIN from the use of tobacco, drugs or alcohol. I will dress modestly and maintain the dress code of our church. That is, all clothing must be loose fitting and to the knee. No revealing dresses or blouses. Proper dress for the services: Ladies: dresses and skirts at least to the knee, no low cut dresses or blouses. Ladies that are on the platform must have dresses below their knees because of the height of the platform. Men: Neatly dressed with collared shirt and tie. (Tie is not necessary for the Wednesday and Sunday PM service) NO FLIP FLOPS.  Also, considering others with their allergies, I will refrain from the use of scented products and gum chewing during service and practice times.


In the event of my absence from a service or rehearsal, I will NOTIFY the Minister of Music, or Music Secretary in a timely manner via phone, email or text.


If I cannot abide by these guidelines, I will resign in a Godly manner.

  Jubilee Choir Commitment 

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